1 day - 0 nights

All year round it is possible to find a large variety of whale and dolphins in Madeira. Reason why we strongly recommend a whale and dolphin watching trip with the experts; a specialized company, with the ideal vessels and marine biologists on board.

Before each trip there is a short power-point presentation that fully prepares you to enjoy this experience to the maximum!

Complete Information

This trip begins on earth, with a brief introductory film about dolphins and whales in Madeira.

Then we proceed to the adventure at sea in specialized vessels to meet the whales and dolphins. Throughout this journey a marine biologist will inform and answer questions about the sightings. In turn, ashore, there are guards in constant observation to guide the vessels toward the cetaceans, thus ensuring the sighting of marine mammals.

Special price conditions for children:

- Between 6 and 11 years - 33eur

- Up to 5 years - Free

Vessels Max. Capacity:
- 12 Passengers + 2 Crew.

- Everyday, under request.

Departure Times:
- Morning Trip: 08:45
- Lunch Trip: 12:30
- Afternoon Trip: 16:00

Meeting Point:
- Marina Shopping Center, nº 247 - Funchal.
- Please appear 15 min. before departure time.

Trip Duration:
- Aprox. 2h30min.

- Marine biologist on board

In case you do not see cetaceans, we promisse you a second trip for free!
- Trips dependent on favorable weather conditions.

Quote Request

Quote Request Form

If you want a quote on a trip " WHALE AND DOLPHIN WATCHING " fill out the form and we will inform you as soon as possible.

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